dog fox

dog fox

(ˈdɒɡˌfɒks) or


(Zoology) a male fox
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Then Robin Hood's heart was proud when he looked around on his stout, brave fellows, and he said, "Brave and true are ye all, my merry men, and a right stout band of good fellows are ye, but ye cannot all go, so I will choose one from among you, and it shall be good Will Stutely, for he is as sly as e'er an old dog fox in Sherwood Forest."
I was about 10 minutes up the forest track when a dog fox soft-shoed out of the spruces, looked both ways as if he was checking for traffic and, in the course of the looking, he saw me.
I have seen foxes, buzzards, blackcaps, meadow pipits, brown hares, roe deer, a huge dog fox, a merlin and kestrels.
Foxes are often regarded as "loners" yet a dog fox will command a territory, which in the wilder landscapes may extend over several square miles, compared for instance with urban foxes which clearly operate in much smaller areas.
It looked like a young dog fox and we watched as it entered a large garden.
PAUL LEVER, in the Grange Valley, watched a dog fox and vixen and heard a blackcap in full song.
Lucian Freud told me about a feral encounter with a large dog fox after dark in a side road near his London house.
Urban foxes live in family groups, comprising a dog fox, a vixen and up to four cubs.
"We haven't had any of our lambs that have been caught by this wild dog fox ( which goes to show Katie must be doing a good job."
Keeping as low a profile as possible are also weasels, stoats, hares and an old dog fox.