displacement activity

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displacement activity

1. (Psychology) psychol behaviour that occurs typically when there is a conflict between motives and that has no relevance to either motive, e.g. head scratching
2. (Zoology) zoology the substitution of a pattern of animal behaviour that is different from behaviour relevant to the situation, e.g. preening at an apparently inappropriate time
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And the time is filled with displacement activity. As I write, 10 members of parliament have applied to become leader of the Conservative party -- all using the same words in subtly different combinations.
A primary task for the Welsh Government - the only Labour government in the UK and now under new leadership - must be to put the maximum pressure on Labour's UK leadership to set its face loudly and unequivocally against the costly displacement activity of Brexit, not to spurn Leave voters but in order to concentrate on the much more necessary and productive task of economic and social reform that we all need so urgently.
It is an emerging technology which uses a DNA polymerase that possess strand displacement activity. In order to allow subsequent amplicon elongation and primer annealing there is no need for heat denaturation of double stranded DNA.
As Sugar is showing "displacement activity", it's likely she is expressing that she's stressed out.
n Stop displacement activity by a rigid regime you impose.
The results for cell free supernatant of isolates that showed positive drop collapse test indicated that all the tested isolates showed reasonably good oil displacement activity (Fig.
But is it anything more than displacement activity for those that feel disenfranchised by the recent direction of travel of the new LME?