dispersion hardening

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Related to dispersion hardening: overaging, dispersion strengthening

dispersion hardening

(Metallurgy) the strengthening of an alloy as a result of the presence of fine particles in the lattice
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References in periodicals archive ?
The complex brazing alloy 20%#1+20% HC12+60% Rene-12 made it possible to produce in the ZhS6U alloy joints in gaps with the width of 100--800 [micro]m whose structure underwent the dispersion hardening as a result of the [gamma]'-phase (Fig.
The estimates of the parameters of the structural mismatch a for the solidified metal of the brazed joints produced with the two types of brazing alloys show that when using the brazing alloy at 20%#1+20% HC12+60% Rene-40 there is a slight dispersion hardening of the matrix after solidification ([DELTA]a = (a[gamma]-a[gamma]')/a[gamma] = 0.09242%), after heat treatment value a increases and approaches the mismatch of the creep-resisting alloys ([DELTA]a = 0.263773%).
KN1-3 bronze this capable of the dispersion hardening as a result of the precipitation of the Ni2Si phase in the matrix formed during breakdown, during annealing (ageing) of the supersaturated solid solution, produced as a result of preliminary quenching of the alloy.