dislocated civilian

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dislocated civilian

A broad term that includes a displaced person, an evacuee, an expellee, an internally displaced person, a migrant, a refugee, or a stateless person. Also called DC. See also displaced person; evacuee; expellee; internally displaced person; migrant; refugee; stateless person.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
(4) Maneuver support forces play a critical role in the joint, interorganizational, and multinational partners' execution of tasks (dislocated civilian operations, noncombatant evacuation operations, border security, regulation and access security for valuable natural resources, illicit trade prevention of natural resources, police engagement, transition to the rule of law, and logistics security support).
Their skills include public safety, agriculture, finance, economics and the support of dislocated civilian operations.
This develops and reinforces the skill sets needed to support the wartime mission of providing stability and order within a given area of operation through L&O, criminal investigation, customs support, dislocated civilian assistance, and host nation policing operations.
This chapter also includes new items such as MP support to breaching operations, dislocated civilian control, internment and resettlement operations, and police-intelligence operations.
Normally authorized through UNSCRs, safe areas involve safe zones (large areas that physically protect civilians where they normally live) and safe havens (protecting displaced or dislocated civilians in specific places) where civilians are protected by denying belligerents access through the threat or use of military force.
Impoverished Yemen cannot care for dislocated civilians in the same way as its rich neighbor Saudi Arabia, which provides its evacuees with air-conditioned tents or hotel vouchers.