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1. Unfavorable opinion or regard; disapproval: a method that researchers have come to view with disfavor.
2. The condition of being regarded with disapproval: an idea that has fallen into disfavor.
tr.v. dis·fa·vored, dis·fa·vor·ing, dis·fa·vors
1. To view or treat with dislike or disapproval.
2. To slow down or otherwise reduce the success of (a chemical process or pathway): conditions that disfavor the growth of a pathogen.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(dɪsˈfeɪ vər)

1. unfavorable regard; displeasure; dislike.
2. the state of being regarded unfavorably; disrepute.
3. to regard or treat with disfavor.
Also, esp. Brit.,dis•fa′vour.
dis•fa′vor•er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



black sheep One who is rejected and scorned as a result of being different from other members of a group; a disreputable character, a bad apple. In a flock of white sheep, a black sheep represents an undesirable deviation from the norm. Some say shepherds dislike the black sheep because of its lesser value; others say because it is an eyesore; still others associate black with badness, evil, and the devil. The label is applied to any person who has flagrantly violated or even slightly deviated from the social norms of a particular group. A black sheep is considered a disgrace and is therefore ostracized from the group. Black sheep have been considered objectionable creatures for at least four centuries:

Till now I thought the proverb did but jest,
Which said a black sheep was a biting beast.
(Thomas Bastard, Chrestoleros, 1598)

foul ball One whose personal philosophy or behavior is unacceptable to the mainstream of society; a nonconformist or eccentric. In baseball, a foul ball is one outside the field of play, which is hit or rolls outside of the designated “fair” area. The transference of this expression to an individual whose principles are outside the realm of established social standards is apparent.

hit list Any list of people in disfavor with someone in power; literally, a list of those scheduled to be murdered, usually by the hit man or hired gun of a crime syndicate. This 20th-century Americanism was originally gangster lingo but is no longer limited to underworld use.

in Dutch In trouble, in disgrace, out of favor, in the doghouse; often in the phrase to get in Dutch. No satisfactory explanation has yet been offered as to why one gets in Dutch as opposed to some other nationality, although this expression may have some connection with the older phrase to talk to [someone] like a Dutch uncle. This American slang term has been in use since at least 1912. See also talk to like a Dutch uncle, REPRIMAND.

in [someone’s] black books Out of favor; in disgrace. Nicholas Amherst, in his Terrae Filius: or The Secret History of the University of Oxford (1721), speaks of the college’s black book, pointing out that no student whose name appeared there could receive a degree.

in the doghouse In disfavor or disgrace. Though most commonly applied to misbehaving husbands, the phrase also refers to general disaffection or rejection:

Several big stars are in studio doghouses because of their political affiliations. (Daily Ardmoreite [Ardmore, Oklahoma], April 19, 1948)

This figurative use is considered American in origin, though in James M. Barrie’s Peter Pan (1904) Mr. Darling literally lived in a doghouse as penance until his children returned from Never Never Land. He was responsible for their departure since he had chained up their nurse-dog, Nana, the night they ran off with Peter Pan.

[one’s] name is mud A discredited or disreputable person; one who is ineffective, not respected, or untrustworthy; one held in low esteem; a pariah. In this expression, mud implies the worst part of something, the dregs, scum. Since many people consider their name (with its attendant reputation and other abstract qualities) their most important possession, they are loath indeed to have it likened to mud.

If tha’ doan’t put ring on finger shortly, my lad, tha’ name will be mud in Mountaindale. (D. Robins, Noble One, 1957)

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: disfavored
Gerund: disfavoring

I disfavor
you disfavor
he/she/it disfavors
we disfavor
you disfavor
they disfavor
I disfavored
you disfavored
he/she/it disfavored
we disfavored
you disfavored
they disfavored
Present Continuous
I am disfavoring
you are disfavoring
he/she/it is disfavoring
we are disfavoring
you are disfavoring
they are disfavoring
Present Perfect
I have disfavored
you have disfavored
he/she/it has disfavored
we have disfavored
you have disfavored
they have disfavored
Past Continuous
I was disfavoring
you were disfavoring
he/she/it was disfavoring
we were disfavoring
you were disfavoring
they were disfavoring
Past Perfect
I had disfavored
you had disfavored
he/she/it had disfavored
we had disfavored
you had disfavored
they had disfavored
I will disfavor
you will disfavor
he/she/it will disfavor
we will disfavor
you will disfavor
they will disfavor
Future Perfect
I will have disfavored
you will have disfavored
he/she/it will have disfavored
we will have disfavored
you will have disfavored
they will have disfavored
Future Continuous
I will be disfavoring
you will be disfavoring
he/she/it will be disfavoring
we will be disfavoring
you will be disfavoring
they will be disfavoring
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been disfavoring
you have been disfavoring
he/she/it has been disfavoring
we have been disfavoring
you have been disfavoring
they have been disfavoring
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been disfavoring
you will have been disfavoring
he/she/it will have been disfavoring
we will have been disfavoring
you will have been disfavoring
they will have been disfavoring
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been disfavoring
you had been disfavoring
he/she/it had been disfavoring
we had been disfavoring
you had been disfavoring
they had been disfavoring
I would disfavor
you would disfavor
he/she/it would disfavor
we would disfavor
you would disfavor
they would disfavor
Past Conditional
I would have disfavored
you would have disfavored
he/she/it would have disfavored
we would have disfavored
you would have disfavored
they would have disfavored
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.disfavor - the state of being out of favor; "he is in disfavor with the king"
rejection - the state of being rejected
wilderness - (politics) a state of disfavor; "he led the Democratic party back from the wilderness"
2.disfavor - an inclination to withhold approval from some person or groupdisfavor - an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group
inclination, tendency, disposition - an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others; "he had an inclination to give up too easily"; "a tendency to be too strict"
doghouse - an idiomatic term for being in disfavor; "in the doghouse"
reprobation - severe disapproval
Verb1.disfavor - put at a disadvantage; hinder, harm; "This rule clearly disadvantages me"
hamper, handicap, hinder - put at a disadvantage; "The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements"
discriminate, single out, separate - treat differently on the basis of sex or race
prejudice - disadvantage by prejudice
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Unfavorable opinion or judgment:
To have or express an unfavorable opinion of:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(American) disfavor (disˈfeivə) noun
1. the state of being out of favour. He was in disfavour because he had stayed out late.
2. displeasure or disapproval.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Among them, they brought the word 'cynic' into disfavor so deep that any book bearing it was discredited in advance of publication."
Time and the disfavor of persons dwelling thereabout are converting it into a rather picturesque ruin.
For it stands to reason that as Joseph's splendid financial ingenuities advantaged nobody but the king, the general public must have regarded him with a good deal of disfavor, whereas I had done my entire public a kindness in sparing the sun, and was popular by reason of it.
Louise won the disfavor of the two Hardy girls, Mary and Harriet, by her application to her studies in school.
Nicholas Bolkonski's son need not serve under anyone if he is in disfavor. Now come here."
She, however, was called out by some netizens on Twitter who reminded her that she expressed her disfavor for transgender women joining Miss Universe in July 2018.
Religious freedom is either rigorously equal, or it becomes an instrument of those in power to favor or disfavor religions of their choice.
As the war progresses in Germany's disfavor, the risks of a being food taster pale before the peril of an enemy army.
"I am concerned when government agencies use their power to try to cut off financial services for lawful businesses they may disfavor," he wrote.
Banks "should not deny financial services to customers they disfavor," according to the senator.
Critics of the amendment argued that it was a violation of religious freedom because it targeted and discriminated against Muslims by showing government disfavor against the religion.
Statements of Trump and his advisers made clear that his executive order amounted to an attempt to disfavor Muslims, Watson wrote.