

1. incapable of conforming
2. geology of or relating to a disconformity
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The upper contact is disconformable with the Fort Munro Formation in the western Sulaiman Fold-Thrust Belt such as Quetta, Ziarat and Harnai and in the eastern parts of the Sulaiman Fold-Thrust Belt such as the Mughal Kot Gorge, the upper contact of Parh Limestone is disconformable with the overlying Mughal Kot Formation (Shah, 2009; Khan, 2012; Khan, 2017).
In summary, the Jupiter-Chicotte formational boundary represents a disconformable stratigraphic surface with a significant depositional facies offset due to a forced regression.
The erosive contact between both formations is presumably a disconformable surface.
The new species was collected from a conglomeratic sandstone bed from the basal 4.5-6.0 m (15-20 ft.) of the Schulz Ranch Member above a disconformable contact with the underlying Holz Shale Member of the Ladd Formation.
The contact with the underlying Mississinewa Shale is sharp and disconformable (Cummings & Shock 1928), but Pinsak & Shaver (1964) report lacking proofs for either disconformity or conformity.
The abrupt lithological change suggests that the Mosquito Lake Road/Matthews Lake Formation contact is disconformable. However, based on the presence of similar clastic rocks in both formations, the hiatus is not considered to be regionally significant (Johnson 2001b).
1990), longitudinal E-W dunes shaped by wind processes, and weakly developed NNW-SSE ridges that are remnant features of the strand lines above the disconformable Parilla Sands.
The disconformable overlap of middle Llandovery dolomites by late Llandovery limestones also indicates dolomitization in the middle Llandovery or during the denudation at the end of the middle Llandovery.
It has a disconformable contact with the underlying Dhok Pathan Formation that is marked by sharp coarsening of clastics and by the appearance of massive, densely packed conglomerate.
This is one of the very few areas where the disconformable contact between the 'Cadomian Basement Complex' (Goncuoglu 1997; Goncuoglu et al.
However, the abrupt change in lithology suggests a disconformable rather than conformable relationship.