

informal Brit displeased; unhappy
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Whoever lost it would have been seriously dischuffed," said Lindsay Allason-Jones, keeper of collections for the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne.
A DRUNK man attacked his friend, puncturing his lung, after becoming 'well dischuffed' that their drinking session was ending.
This cannot go on any longer and if it is to end then playing at home in front of 50,000 folk willing you on is, you would think, the place to launch a revival because, however dischuffed United fans are, they will support from the very first whistle in a desperate effort to push their team over the finishing line.
They weren't too dischuffed two hours later either after the home side mustered their meagre total.
Later, a distinctly dischuffed Maureen Lipman hung up on Woodall, as the latter obsessed over some trivial bit of admin.
Exit (stage right): One still calm husband, pink-faced mother pounds 80 lighter in cash, youngest son proudly grasping bag with new shoes, plus free Sponge Bob Square Pants maze game, and dischuffed son, dragging bag on floor and hoping to lose it during course of afternoon.
The story being put about by the rumour-mongers is that minutes before Home Secretary David Blunkett was due on air for a Today grilling the other day, Liddle turned on the internal radio link to ask his technician at Westminster: "Is Blindo there yet?" In fact Liddle, it is alleged, had pressed the wrong button and got a reply not from a technician but from a rather dischuffed Home Secretary saying: "Rod, it's Blindo here.
Now some of us, on hearing how dischuffed a guy was to be miss a game at Ibrox - because he was on holiday in the sunny Canaries - would be forgiven for thinking .
Just two turned up, with the rest staying away in quiet protest at regulations that have left some of the lower-profile among them dischuffed and out of pocket.
Regarding the letter from Dischuffed of Oakes about the recent Elton John concert (June 7) - what parochial clap trap!