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n. dígito, dedo;
___ malleus, mallet fingerdedo en martillo;
___ valgus, varusdesviación de un dedo.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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Subgenital plate as long as broad, with bristles evenly; sternal apodeme narrow, about 0.2 times longer than sternum (sternal apodeme plus sterno) (Figure 1C); genital capsule (Figures 1D, E) with paramere rounded apically, narrower than parameral lamina, with dense bristles; volsellar lamina with few bristles spaced subapically; cuspis robust, with tooth in lateral and apical parts and a bristle at the apex; digitus narrow, 0.40-0.46 times the length of cuspis plus volsellar lamina, with tooth in the apex, apex rounded dorsally and angulated ventrally, its basal region slightly larger than apical region; aedeagus (including aedeagal apodeme) 0.90-0.95 times the length of paramere plus parameral lamina (including the parameral apodeme); ergot about 0.27-0.37 times the length of aedeagus.
Last year, DIFC partnered with Digitus, a leading crypto currency software provider, to become the first jurisdiction in the world to develop English common law digital wills which are easy to set up online, highly secure and enforceable across the world.
Inclusion criteria required a diagnosis of CubTS according to guidelines provided by the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine:[sup][4] (1) symptoms of impairment of ulnar nerve, such as paresthesia of the digitus annularis and digitus minimus, hand clumsiness, atrophy of hypothenar muscles, weakness of the muscles dominated by the ulnar nerve, pain, or numbness in ulnar nerve dominated area, positive Froment's sign, positive Wartenberg's sign, and so on; (2) routine motor NCS results suggested CubTS; (3) informed consent signed; and (4) age between 18 and 85 years old.
It is a partnership between du, Jumeirah, Cream, Privity, DigitUs, International Culinary Centre for Culinary Arts Dubai, SquareCircle Tech, Travelex, Flyin and Pricewaterhousecoopers.
Current confirmed participants in the program include a local airline, Jumeirah, du, Flyin, Privity, Digitus, International Culinary Centre for Culinary Arts Dubai, SquareCircle Tech, Dubai Future Foundation and others for redemption and issuance locations.
If one counts by one's digits the poetry books Marne has crafted through the years, Lyrical Objects would complete the first handful, and would represent the poet's pollex or digitus primus, said poet Marjorie Evasco.
The company is working with the Tunisian Post Office (La Poste Tunisienne, which also offers banking services) and the Tunisian technology startup DigitUs to offer nationwide access to the instant mobile payments technology to La Poste's users.
Monetas, the Swiss software startup, announced the pilot launch of its software technology in Tunisia in partnership with the Tunisian Post Office, La Poste Tunisienne, and Tunisian technology startup DigitUs.
The new collaboration between Monetas, Tunisian technology startup DigitUs and Tunisia's Post is aimed at increasing financial inclusion in a country where more than 3 million citizens are still excluded from the financial system.