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Phenomenon of fake news and disinformation affect integrity of the media, but they also affect integrity of political elections in Europe and destabilization of democratic institutions, assessed the expert of the Fake News and Online Disinformation Group in the European Commission Divina Frau-Meigs from France.
Former Solicitor General Florin Hilbay said the matrix, which links him and other Otso Diretso candidates and key opposition figures to destabilization, is meant to discredit them.
"Whether the destabilization plot is true or not, the fact remains that cyber terrorism should be defined in our laws so our Government can protect the State and its people," he said.
Mousavi noted that the incomes of foreign investors in alternative renewable energy sector have decreased due to destabilization in foreign currency market.
bullHe isn't the state his admin isn't the gov't AN old political trick is equating criticism of official action/inaction to destabilization, and group discussions of curbing bad administration to a conspiracy to overthrow the government.
THE political opposition has nothing to do with reports of destabilization, a minority senator said at the weekend, as earlier rumors-fanned by calls of mobilization by supporters-of the impending arrest of Sen.
The general of former NLA, Gzim Ostreni, says internal destabilization will not happen in Macedonia, but there will be attempts to manifest dissatisfaction.
Moscow, SANA- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Oleg Syromolotov, stressed that the development of the situation in Afrin city may lead to further destabilization of the region.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov said the situation in Syria's Afrin has been provoked by the actions of the United States among other things and may lead to further destabilization of the region.
He said that the region as a whole has witnessed waves of destabilization and Pakistan, being strategically located, has remained the forefront of this subversion.
Publicis Groupe said in a statement that it is undergoing a destabilization attempt following the dissemination to its auditors and some financial analysts of an anonymous letter stating that Publicis Groupe overvalued its organic growth for 2016 and 2017 through an early application of IFRS 15.