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the apparent preference of some plants, as orchids, to grow in or near trees. — dendrophilous, adj.
See also: Plants
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He gives voice to and enacts the writer's incoherent libidinal doctrines, which include a proto-poly platform, some version of dendrophilia, and what Susan Sontag once disdainfully called, in a 1961 essay, Lawrence's "mystique of male separateness." In that same piece, Sontag also decried the British novelist's "puritanical insistence on genital sexuality." Yet it is to the film's great credit that, in depicting that "puritanical insistence," heterosexuality is revealed to be the most unnatural form of coupling--never more so than during a scene of frenzied rutting between Gudrun and Gerald in an alpine chalet, the camera wildly zooming in and out as the grimacing industrialist pounds away.
Dendrophilia is not an end in itself but a vehicle that offers magical proximity to a constellation of "lovely Lips" that have come before.
D is for Dendrophilia, easily the greenest of all forms of unusual sex.