demand feeding

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demand feeding

the practice of feeding a baby whenever it seems to be hungry, rather than at set intervals
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Noun1.demand feeding - feeding a baby or animal whenever it shows a need
infant feeding - feeding an infant
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Pattern of Frequency Percent 95% Confidence Breast Feeding Limits Clockwise 8 1.60% 0.75% 3.26% Demand Feeding 492 98.40% 96.74% 99.25% Total 500 100.00% Practice of Breast-Feeding Pattern As regards to exclusive breast-feeding patterns most of the mothers (98.4%, 95% Cl: 96.74% to 99.25%) are giving demand feeding.
[37] where 84% mothers practiced demand feeding. 37.9% started supplementary feeding after 7 months in our study and this percentage is high as compared to study by Thomas et al.
The effect of demand feeding on swimming speed and feeding responses in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata L.
There are the unreasonable expectations to live up to, the twisted and assaulted version of the artistic self to contend with, the hungry mouths that demand feeding. Kiss (604/Schoolboy/Interscope), Jepsen's first album following Call Me Maybe, is intended for hungry mouths.
largely due to pent up demand feeding back into the market, following the weak
However, Hometrack warned that the bounce-back was largely due to pent-up demand feeding back into the market, following the weak second half of 2010, when many potential househunters sat on their hands.
Richard Donnell, director of research at Hometrack, said: "This is the first increase in demand for housing for eight months and represents a mix of seasonal and pent-up demand feeding back into the market after a 20 per cent decline in buyer numbers over the second half of 2010."
Demand feeding as a self- regulating feeding system for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in net-pen.
They must know about demand feeding, night-time feeding, keeping babies close and clues that the baby is hungry.
"2006 should be a better year for the UK economy than 2005, with healthier consumer demand feeding through to most sectors," said Peter Hemington, a partner at BDO.