delusions of persecution

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Related to delusions of persecution: persecutory, delusion of control
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Noun1.delusions of persecution - a delusion (common in paranoia) that others are out to get you and frustrate and embarrass you or inflict suffering on you; a complicated conspiracy is frequently imagined
delusion, psychotic belief - (psychology) an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary
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In June 2015 a 56-year-old woman was admitted to the psychiatry unit of Sanggye Paik Hospital, Korea, with delusions of persecution and auditory hallucinations.
Daniel M'Naghten suffered from delusions of persecution. (17)
Only one case presented with psychiatric symptoms as dissociative symptoms and delusions of persecution with visual and auditory hallucinations.[sup][5] None presented with manic-depressive psychosis at the first onset as we describe in the present cases.
Frequent types of delusions encountered include delusions of persecution (the example above), grandeur ("I am the President"), or reference ("The news anchor is sending me a message").
Delusions of persecution and poisoning in patients with schizophrenia: sociocultural and religious background.
[sup][7],[8] In our reported case, her morbid jealousy improved significantly after excision of the extra-axial tumor in the orbitofrontal region of the left frontal lobe, while her other psychiatric symptoms including auditory hallucinations and delusions of persecution and being watched improved with antipsychotic treatment.
He added the defendant also held a grudge against Mrs Cuddihy because she did not support his wish to join the IRA, a desire that was inspired by his delusions of persecution.
On psychiatric examination, it was found that he had delusions of persecution and delusions of reference that he was being followed and he will be murdered, auditory hallucinations as speaking sounds which said "come here" and visual halluciantions as "soldiers".
In 1864 he was moved to Broadmoor, where he worked mainly in the kitchen garden, but was said to be forever suffering from delusions of persecution. He was finally discharged in 1868.
They did not help his paranoid tendencies, the occasional poor responses of the audience feeding into his delusions of persecution. He began to drink and smoke heavily, and nurture thoughts about his wife's infidelities.
In that previous article, I defined paranoia as: "A psychotic disorder characterised by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.