deciduous tree

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Related to deciduous tree: Deciduous Forest

deciduous tree

A tree that loses its leaves each year in the autumn.
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References in classic literature ?
Under foot the leaves were dry, and the foliage of some holly bushes which grew among the deciduous trees was dense enough to keep off draughts.
Both of them bear to the evergreen vegetation of these climates the same kind of relation which laurels and hollies in England do to the lighter green of the deciduous trees. It may be observed, that the houses within the tropics are surrounded by the most beautiful forms of vegetation, because many of them are at the same time most useful to man.
Scenarios of 100% grass and 100% deciduous tree indicated the highest mean PMV (nearly equal to -3.5 and -3.6 respectively) while the 100% evergreen showed the lowest mean PMV (equal to -4.2).
15 pines and one deciduous tree are growing on the green area of territory.
A: Some deciduous tree species are prone to retaining their leaves over winter even though they have withered and are no longer functioning.
Naasz has also served as vice president of the Northwest Horticultural Council where he represented the Washington, Oregon and Idaho deciduous tree fruit industry on federal and international trade issues.
As a deciduous tree, it can reach over 100 feet in height.
Q: This year, just about every deciduous tree on my property has some sort of disease.
A mature deciduous tree will "drink" 50,000 litres of water in one year and the roots will drive themselves down to at least six metres in their search for moisture in dry weather - this is below the footings of most domestic houses.
Commonly known as juneberry, this medium-sized deciduous tree can really make a statement in the garden.
THIS deciduous tree comes into its own in autumn when it bears bunches of bright red berries and its foliage turns rich red or warm yellows.