

a device that dazes or stuns, esp one which stops dogs barking
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The ultrasonic device used was a Dazer II, manufactured by Dazer Int., UK.
If you want to head off walking, long trousers would be a good idea and you may even want to consider a dog dazer as there are a lot of wandering dogs.
A Twitter user called 'DAZER' asked her: "Oi @Natwest can I have my money please :(" And Hannah Gangoon told the young teacher: "Natwest need to sort it out" - while a user called 'Mercedes' branded her a 'dunce'.
Deterrents noted by the RHS, which I have not tried, are scent repellents such as Vitax Stay Off, which is applied to plants and is said to give short-term protection, and ultrasonic sound devices sold by mail order from firms such as Dazer UK (01733-315888) and Oceans West (01489-574444).
I also carry flip flops for showers, an ultrasonic dog dazer, a radio and a vegetable peeler."
Browsing through the RSPB Birds magazine, I was fascinated to see a US Dazer advertised.
In addition to the Stingray, Outrider and LCMS, these included two other devices - the Saber 203 and the Dazer. The Saber 203 is a "laser grenade" developed by Phillips Lab and deployed with the US Special Operations Command.
of McLean, Virginia, and the Dazer developed by Allied-Signal Aerospace Company of Torrance, California.
* A device that emits high-frequency sound waves, audible only to dogs, such as Dazer. Since the Canadian Postal Service began equipping its mail deliverers with this device, the number of dog bites has dropped from 459 a year to 287.