damage estimation

damage estimation

A preliminary appraisal of the potential effects of an attack. See also attack assessment.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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'The District Office will have to work on the damage estimation and furnish details such as the house address, police report, photographs of the victims' houses as confirmed by the local district leader along with repair quotes approved by a technical officer from the District Office, latest by this Thursday.
Crop damage estimation will be undertaken after two to three days after the water reseeds."
Early warnings via social media, damage estimation and risk-sensitive land use planning rely on some form of ground-based and remotely sensed data, analytical tools, and communications technology.
In Section V, we examine some difficulties present in damage estimation generally and for umbrella plaintiffs in particular.
Skaggs, Catalog of Residential Depth-Damage Functions Used by the Army Corps of Engineers in Flood Damage Estimation, Army Engineer Institute for Water Resources, Alexandria, VA, USA, 1992.
"The knowledge we gain from this study will improve tornado detection and near real-time damage estimation." [Source: University of Oklahoma]
The overall damage estimation, he said, would be assessed by a committee which would include representatives from Nespak, Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA), Capital Development Authority (CDA), Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) administration and Metro Bus Authority officials.
Accordingly, the damage estimation process and its results have led to controversy on all sides.
However, more segmented payment standards may complicate damage estimation, and the process needed to determine which particular segment damage is included would naturally increase assessment costs.
Advanced topics include the specifics of various kinds of targets as well as collateral damage estimation.
There, the defendant told the student that the Egyptian woman did not have an insurance policy and that she had to go to a workshop to get a damage estimation report.

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