cut rate

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Noun1.cut rate - a price below the standard pricecut rate - a price below the standard price  
inexpensiveness - the quality of being affordable
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We might as well cut rates and be done with it; it would arrive at that in the end.
M2 EQUITYBITES-September 5, 2019--Russian banks say central bank will be forced to cut rate
Global Banking News-September 5, 2019--Russian banks say central bank will be forced to cut rate
CUT RATE won his first race when holding on by a short head to win from Inver Gold in the mile-and-a-half handicap.
Abrasive flap discs from Weiler Corp include Tiger Discs, which are designed to provide a high cut rate and long life.
Tiger Discs, Weiler's line of coated abrasive flap discs, are designed to provide a high cut rate and long life, and Vortec flap discs provide a high cut rate as a value price.
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-September 5, 2019--Russian banks say central bank will be forced to cut rate
Minerals in the bristles provide an aggressive cut rate and consistent performance without removing base material.
Constructed from non-woven cotton fabric and aluminum oxide or silicon carbide abrasives that are laminated, pressed and bonded together, these wheels provide a smooth, controlled operation with a consistent cut rate and finish.
The mineral makes the wheel cut faster, and the high cut rate is designed to increase efficiency and productivity while leaving a uniform finish.
The Trihelical pattern performs best at moderate pressures, resulting in a consistent cut rate and long life.
Global Banking News-May 4, 2016--Madagascar central bank announces plan to cut rate