cryptographic information

Related to cryptographic information: cryptologist

cryptographic information

All information significantly descriptive of cryptographic techniques and processes or of cryptographic systems and equipment (or their functions and capabilities) and all cryptomaterial.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
The documents further reveal that the NSA makes cryptographic modifications to commercial or indigenous cryptographic information security devices or systems so they can be subject to eavesdropping.
Each ballot paper will list candidates in a different order, with cryptographic information. The voter will put a cross in the box on the ballot paper, as normal, but tear off the left half of the paper that lists the candidates, using a shredder to destroy it.
Voltage SecureData now integrates with Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) to offer new benefits to companies that use them to store cryptographic information in order to meet internal security requirements.
Which means that our government's current obsession with suppressing the spread of cryptographic information and tools is really a kind of suppression of human nature - and history tells us that any such effort at suppressing something that everybody does is invariably futile over the long run.
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