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25 YEARS AGO Crop circle in Woodthorpe THE crop circle phenomena which had gripped the country found its way to a filed near Woodthorpe village.
M2 PRESSWIRE-July 26, 2019-: Friday 26 July: One hectare Extinction Symbol crop circle appears at WOMAD festival
Families are invited to take their little 'lion cubs' along to tackle 'the crop circle of life', which opens at York Maze this weekend.
The previous song was "Haze," by Nines, which was a part of Nines' Crop Circle album and short film released by XL Recordings.
DECADENT cocktail bar The Alchemist has finally confirmed the long-awaited summer opening date of its Cardiff branch - by carving a giant crop circle in a farmers field overnight.
Today's fruit, when one types "Nazi" into Google News, is a yarn about a swastika crop circle that a farmer discovered in England.
Today, there are numerous Crop Circle investigators communicating each other to exchange their searchings for.
Intriguingly the pattern, which is about 30m in length, is just half a mile from the site of an intricate crop circle which appeared in 2011.
The reports have come few days after the discovery of a crop circle in Salinas, California, which also sparked speculation that they were UFO related.
(T)(3218873) 2.15 CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION A body is found in a crop circle. (R)(T) (6897057) 3.15 FILM: WHILE I WAS GONE (2004) An unhappily married vet is thrown into further emotional turmoil by an encounter with an old friend whose dog she is forced to put down.
Tracey Green, who took over as landlady at the nearby Horse and Jockey pub in January, said: "The first I heard of it was when one of my regulars came in asking if I'd seen the crop circle.
A spokesman for the estates said: "Somebody has gone in and tried to make a crop circle on August 19.