critical intelligence

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critical intelligence

Intelligence that is crucial and requires the immediate attention of the commander. It is required to enable the commander to make decisions that will provide a timely and appropriate response to actions by the potential or actual enemy. It includes but is not limited to the following: a. strong indications of the imminent outbreak of hostilities of any type (warning of attack); b. aggression of any nature against a friendly country; c. indications or use of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons; and d. significant events within potential enemy countries that may lead to modification of nuclear strike plans.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
The company offers employee engagement solutions that enable companies to capture feedback, analyse results in real-time, and distribute critical intelligence. The company was founded in 2006.
For an expeditionary unit, the simpler a system is to introduce to an area of operations, the sooner analysts can access these critical intelligence networks.
In a letter to Schaefer earlier this year, Hawley said the Mojahedin have "provided critical intelligence on the Iranian nuclear program and other sensitive matters, and assisted the US military in defeating our enemies in Iraq." Both are questionable claims.
This critical intelligence support contract continues MacB's support to the INSCOM GEOINT mission of providing tailored intelligence and GEOINT capabilities to the warfighter.
An ineffective IWfF PACE communication plan contributes to both intelligence enablers not being able to pass critical information to the BCT S2 section and the BCT S2 section not being able to convey critical intelligence to all subordinate elements quickly.
Additionally, it also helps in the development of fully autonomous unmanned sea systems that can operate remotely and provide critical intelligence and/or attack capabilities.
"When the clock strikes midnight, Americans will be less safe because of a presidential leadership void and gross misinformation that combined to kill critical intelligence programs at a time of rising terrorist threats to the United States and our allies," Rubio said in the statement.
In a statement before the Senate convened on Sunday he said, "Anyone who is satisfied with letting this critical intelligence capability go dark isn't taking the terrorist threat seriously.
Two important ones are the Critical Intelligence Parameters (CIPs) policy and the change to the System Threat Assessment Report (STAR).
Cognolink is a primary research partner that connects investors and businesses to critical intelligence. Get more information at
This points to the fact that there was lack of coordination at the international level, to exchange critical intelligence inputs that could have thwarted the terror strike.

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