creeping bentgrass

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Related to creeping bentgrass: nimblewill
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Noun1.creeping bentgrass - common pasture or lawn grass spread by long runners
bent grass, bent-grass, bent - grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting greens
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nodosum extract decreased lipid peroxidation in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) subjected to heat stress for 42 days (from 24 to 52%, when compared to the control) (Zhang & Ervin, 2008).
Timing and frequency effects of lightweight rolling on dollar spot disease in creeping bentgrass putting greens.
Responses of creeping bentgrass to trinexapac-ethyl and biostimulants under summer stress.
Here, we examined the capacity ofMsHsp23to confer tolerance to heat stress (thermotolerance)by heterologous expression in creeping bentgrass. We generated nine independent transgenic creeping bentgrass plants.
National Arboretum, plant geneticist Scott Warnke and his colleagues are using molecular genetics to determine the genetic workings of turf grasses like creeping bentgrass. Creeping bentgrass is one of the species best adapted to use on golf course fairways and putting greens because of its tolerance to low mowing.
Since the binary vector used for the transformation contained the BAR herbicide resistance gene, putative transgenic creeping bentgrass plants were identified by herbicide resistance assay.
During the summer months, creeping bentgrass on golf courses loses out to other species and is often attacked by fungus.
[10] evaluated the effect of a commercial preparation of humic acid on the chlorophyll concentration of creeping bentgrass. Badsar et al [11] conducted an experiment for determination effect of a sapropel derived HS on wheat genotypes under drought stress.
In the cool-season region of the US, golf course managers traditionally grow creeping bentgrass on putting greens and favour Kentucky bluegrass, creeping bentgrass, or perennial ryegrass for fairways.
Designed by award-winning golf architect Marc Westenborg, the course is stunning visually, designed so the holes don't run up right alongside each other, with slick and true creeping bentgrass greens.