

1. (Brewing) the cratur whisky or whiskey: a drop of the cratur.
2. a person
[from creature]
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HOLE 5 Crookit Cratur - 461-yard, par 4 JACK SAYS: Don't get bogged down in the hazard - a Site of Scientific interest just short of the green.
Hole 5 463yds Par 4 Crookit Cratur Easily the toughest hole on the course.
Jane called it, and my poor master was greatly frighted, this being the first thing of the kind he had seen, and he fell straight on his knees before her, and, like a good-hearted cratur as he was, ordered the whisky punch out of the room, and bid 'em throw open all the windows, and cursed himself: and then my lady came to herself again, and when she saw him kneeling there, bid him get up, and not forswear himself any more, for that she was sure he did not love her, nor never had: this we learnt from Mrs.
And John O'Donoghue, you heard about poor John, the cratur. It's a cruel thing, so very sudden.
Such imaginative flights of fancy--from the mouth of a rough-cast 'cratur' in a music hall song of the late 1880s--were not uncharacteristic.
In Donegal, the Gardai in Letterkenny have seized only one bottle of what they believed was a "drop of the cratur" last month.
5TH (CROOKIT CRATUR), 461 YARDS, PAR 4 This is a brilliant tee shot, a difficult one visually because you don't see how much room you have on the right and because of that most players favour the left, but you can then get blocked out by the trees.
"And as well as all that, she's a determined wee cratur!" The object of his affection, who is 5ft 9in and athletically built, concedes that pursuing her Olympic dream is not without its drawbacks.
The course provides budding connouiseurs of the cratur with a dram from each corner of Scotland.
Exports of the cratur to the potentially huge Chinese market rose by 84 per cent in 2005, First Minister Jack McConnell said yesterday.