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(kreɡ; kreɪɡ)
(Physical Geography) a Scot word for crag


(Biography) Edward Gordon. 1872–1966, English theatrical designer, actor, and director. His nonrealistic scenic design greatly influenced theatre in Europe and the US
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Craig, the gardener at the Chase, was over head and ears in love with her, and had lately made unmistakable avowals in luscious strawberries and hyperbolical peas.
"Well, I have no objection to your contemplating Hetty in an artistic light, but I must not have you feeding her vanity and filling her little noddle with the notion that she's a great beauty, attractive to fine gentlemen, or you will spoil her for a poor man's wife--honest Craig's, for example, whom I have seen bestowing soft glances on her.
Peter Craig, our enterprising literary editor, contributes a touching love story.
Peter Craig thinks he saw the Family Ghost on Christmas Eve.
Hester Dethridge wrote: "She took the footpath which leads to Craig Fernie."
There was but one place that a stranger could go to at Craig Fernie.
One--the longest--passes by the inn at Craig Fernie.
But it was evidently on the condition that he was to go to Craig Fernie in their places, and to see Anne Silvester himself.
In an event in Girona in March Craig put up stern resistance against world No.17 Bart Van Der Zanden before losing and beat Joaquin Azcon (Spain) in straight games in the team event.
Winnie is survived by her daughter, Jacquie Craig of Stonefort; her daughter-in-law, Kathy Craig of Stonefort; granddaughter, Nikki (Jody) Betz of Stonefort; grandson Ryan (April) Craig of Harrisburg; grandchildren Blain and Breezy Betz, both of Stonefort, Ellison Craig of Harrisburg and soon to be Emmett Dane Craig of Harrisburg; her "other" daughter, Arla Mitchell of Benton, Kentucky; lifelong friends, Ruth Miller of Harrisburg and Angela Lay of Stonefort; caregiver Pam Dillman and several nieces, nephews and cousins.
The reading explored here, it is thus worth emphasizing, is singular: it is Craig's reading of an individual poem.
An anguished Craig called the emergency services as he raced down to sit with Aaron's body until an ambulance arrived.