country dancing

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Related to country dancing: Line dancing
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: dancing - a type of folk dance in which couples are arranged in sets or face one another in a linecountry dancing - a type of folk dance in which couples are arranged in sets or face one another in a line
folk dance, folk dancing - a style of dancing that originated among ordinary people (not in the royal courts)
longways, longways dance - country dancing performed with couples in two long lines facing each other
square dance, square dancing - American country dancing in which couples form squares
do-si-do - a square-dance figure; two dancers approach each other and circle back to back before returning to their original places
promenade - a square dance figure; couples march counterclockwise in a circle
sashay - a square dance figure; partners circle each other taking sideways steps
swing - a square dance figure; a pair of dancers join hands and dance around a point between them
landler - a moderately slow Austrian country dance in triple time; involves spinning and clapping
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

country dancing

n (Brit) → danza popolare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
The four teams of 9th Girl Guide Company Airyhall, ready to put their best feet forward at the 1982 Aberdeen and North East of Scotland Scottish Country Dancing Festival being held in the city's Music Hall.
From Tam O'Shanter to Scottish country dancing and shortbread, these youngster had all the bases covered.
The action in question is that of the Newcastle Festival of Scottish Country Dancing which attracts teams from France, Germany, Hungary and, for the first time this year, Russia.
The action in question is that of theNewcastleFestival of Scottish Country Dancing which attracts teams from France, Germany, Hungary and, for the first time this year, Russia.
But can you spot yourself in the hundreds of children all engaged in a spot of mass country dancing at Stewart Park, Middlesbrough?
Former UK Royal Navy Commander Rodney Preece met his wife Berenice in 1966, after attending a Scottish country dancing class that she was giving in Juffair.
SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING: Parkgate and Neston Scottish Country Dancers meet at the URC Community Hall, Moorside Lane, Neston, every other Mon at 8pm.
It is a shame that country dancing, traditional songs, dancing around the maypole, etc., have been lost.
The fair got off to a traditional start when a former headmaster, Brian Carter, toured the village as a town crier, Scissett Youth Band provided entertainment and youngsters gave a country dancing display.
However, Christmas at Walker Technology College isn't all about the dome; it runs for a whole week from which students can enjoy country dancing, a church service, and for the younger students, a Christmas party.
Pupils from Peterbrook School in Shirley gave a variety of show-stopping performances of traditional English country dancing, choir singing and a dance medley, while students from Solihull's Reynalds Cross School raised valuable funds for Cancer Research by performing renditions of a host of family favourites.
SCOTTISH country dancing has soared in popularity - after becoming a hit craze among the gay community.