cookie jar

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Noun1.cookie jar - a jar in which cookies are kept (and sometimes money is hidden)cookie jar - a jar in which cookies are kept (and sometimes money is hidden)
jar - a vessel (usually cylindrical) with a wide mouth and without handles
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References in periodicals archive ?
According to Lego's website, the 1,070- piece collection features the shop's main seating area, including a sofa, armchair, two chairs and a table; and its service area, with a brick-built coffee machine, service counter, cash register, cookie jar with two cookie elements and menu board element.
PS9.99, NICOLA SPRING HAND PRINTED COOKIE JAR: Keep your favourite sweet treats and midnight snacks fresher for longer.
Speaking to a group of young professionals at a meeting organised by the BTA Media Intelligence Unit, In the speech he delivered, Tosin Ashafa said: 'the APC-led federal government under the firm leadership of President Buhari has been able to ensure that the public treasury is no longer the cookie jar of the political elite.
The budget store, with branches inNewcastle,Metrocentreand Sunderland, excitedly launched its new range, including duvet covers, mugs, a photo fram and cookie jar, as you can see below.
"I also love the idea of the teal cookie jar because I also think it's a great way for us to teach the kids that any kind of dessert or treat that has the teal ribbon on it or comes from a teal cookie jar is something that's safe," she said.
COOKIE JAR: The departments of health across all counties are the most corrupt, according to the latest statistics from the EACC.
EASTENDERS BBC1, 7.30pm MICK and Shirley are like kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar when Linda makes a surprise return home.
Chas is shocked Paddy wants to keep the baby EASTENDERS BBC1, 7.30pm MICK and Shirley are like kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar when Linda makes a surprise return home.
CHOCOLATE Digestives have been crowned the kings of the cookie jar.
Deborah Cook, the wife of the former chief executive of Malmaison, Hotel du Vin and De Vere Hotels, is spearheading the project to launch The Cookie Jar, an 11-bedroom hotel in the Grade II-listed building.
The tracks are "Just Dance", "Better Than You Know", "Twinklematics", "Solar System", "Music", "Life is Beautiful", "We Got Good Manners Too", "Kidz Rock featuring Mista Cookie Jar (remix)", and "Kidz Rock featuring Mista Cookie Jar (original version)".