controlled exercise

controlled exercise

An exercise characterized by the imposition of constraints on some or all of the participating units by planning authorities with the principal intention of provoking types of interaction. See also free play exercise.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
Exercise - Increasing the muscle density around the hips through consistent, controlled exercise, hydrotherapy and/or physiotherapy will help to stabilise the hip joints, reducing painful abnormal movements that are currently being experienced.
Exercise -- increasing the muscle density around the hips through consistent, controlled exercise, hydrotherapy and/or physiotherapy will help to stabilise the hip joints, reducing any painful abnormal movements that are currently being experienced.
The study lead author, Bjorn Rosengren, MD, PhD of Skane University Hospital, Malmo, Sweden and his and his colleagues conducted a population-based controlled exercise intervention for six years in children age 7-9 years in Malmo, Sweden.
20 April 2011 - US-based medical diagnostic company Vicor Technologies Inc (OTC: VCRT) announced yesterday the receipt of 510(k) clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration for its PD2i nonlinear algorithm and software to be used as a measure of heart rate variability at rest, and in response to controlled exercise and paced respiration (Ewing Maneuvers) in patients specifically undergoing cardiovascular disease testing.
The 4 million programme of support to the EDF national authorising officer aims to improve the quality of the partnership between Cameroon and the EU through controlled exercise of all the functions of the national authorising officer of a political, strategic and operational nature, by promoting effective and gradual transfer of operational responsibilities to the technical ministries.
The money will aid a project being conducted in collaboration with the university's School of Medicine, in which researchers are investigating whether controlled exercise using weight training principles can boost the effectiveness of the flu jab.
Meanwhile, four controlled exercise bouts and blood collections were conducted at baseline and study weeks 4, 16, and 28.
"She needs controlled exercise, perhaps a home with a large garden or where there is a park nearby where she can be exercised on the lead."
"This finding seems logical, but few reports in the literature from adequately powered studies with a tightly controlled exercise dose have evaluated the activity-fitness dose-response relation," Dr.
A program of controlled exercise (more quarter-mile walks and less hysterical squirrel-chasing) and acupuncture (at least weekly at first and now once a month) is helping with Moose's pain (see photo below).
Taafe added: "Kicking King started back in training in July, but he was actually back riding out the week after the Gold Cup and was doing simple controlled exercise after that to keep his muscles working.

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