condition codes

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condition codes

pl n
(Computer Science) a set of single bits that indicate specific conditions within a computer. The values of the condition codes are often determined by the outcome of a prior software operation and their principal use is to govern choices between alternative instruction sequences
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Losing units should be held responsible for the condition codes required in all directives through Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests.
In implementing the new TALPA, an airport operator will assess surfaces, report contaminants that are present and output the information as a Notam, generating numerical runway condition codes (RwyCC).
But when it comes to condition codes for wheel assemblies, those letters can seem more like alphabet soup!
Army Materiel Command LARs and DLA Disposition Services, in conjunction with the BLST chief, assist with equipment identification and technical inspections and validate condition codes. Units execute turn-ins.
Federal Condition Codes and Fair Market Value Rates
The training shall also include weapon condition codes, clearing barrel procedures, characteristics, nomenclature, operation, remedial actions, assembly/disassembly, marksmanship fundamentals, weapon presentation, weapon engagement, and the use of deadly force.
-- Condition Code Filtering -- underlying trade and quote data is filtered for various condition codes that denote out of sequence trades/quotes, cancelled trades, and other conditions that require data points to be removed prior to use by a trader.
Items with the same lot number are assigned one of 15 condition codes by DOD, and those condition codes can change throughout the life cycle of those items.
The MSSC1 Structural Condition codes for pipe sewers were identical to the embryo codes, and retained the same modifiers.
Condition Codes are assigned to items such as microwave tubes, night vision equipment, and chemical agent detectors.
For example, if vague condition codes, such as abdominal pain were included in the payment model, providers may find it relatively easy to over use such a code.