computer intrusion

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computer intrusion

An incident of unauthorized access to data or an automated information system.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Using the audit reduction and search capabilities of the company's computer intrusion detection system (IDS) software, the manager discovered that the one user's account was being used by four people, which was against security policy.
According to the paper, funding of 30 million pounds has been provided over four years to support the development of the unit as it tackles computer intrusion, denial of service attacks and internet fraud.
An employer investigating information theft or a computer intrusion may unintentionally violate employees' privacy rights when searching the workstations or storage areas of suspects.
George Samuel Bronk pleaded guilty in Sacramento Superior Court to seven felony charges, ranging from computer intrusion to false impersonation, and now faces up to six years in prison, reports
The US prosecutors had initially charged the whistleblower with a single count of computer intrusion, but later added 17 new counts, including controversial charges under the Espionage Act for encouraging, receiving and publishing national defence information in concert with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning.
The previous indictment accused Assange not of Espionage Act violations but of conspiracy to violate a law against "computer intrusion." It alleged that Assange conspired with Manning to crack a government password in search of secret material.
The United States is seeking Assange's extradition on charges of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion.
The US wants to extradite Assange from the UK over his alleged role in the release of classified military and diplomatic material in 2010.Australian-born Assange faces a charge of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion in the US.
on one count of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. This sounds more like a stay-after-school offense than what one might expect given the potentially disastrous ramifications of Assange's publishing activities.
Although it alleges that Assange and Manning sought to hack a Defense Department computer "in furtherance of a criminal act in violation of the laws of the United States," including provisions of the Espionage Act, the actual charge is that Assange conspired with Manning to commit the crime of computer intrusion. Even if one regards Assange as a journalist, that doesn't exempt him from complying with a law against computer fraud.

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