combining form

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com·bin·ing form

A modified form of an independent word that occurs only in combination with words, affixes, or other combining forms to form compounds or derivatives, as electro- (from electric) in electromagnet or geo- (from Greek geō-, from "earth") in geochemistry.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

combining form

(Grammar) a linguistic element that occurs only as part of a compound word, such as anthropo- in anthropology
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

combin′ing form`

a linguistic form that occurs only in combination with other forms and may conjoin with an independent word (mini- + skirt) or another combining form (photo- + -graphy). Compare affix (def. 5).
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.combining form - a bound form used only in compounds; "`hemato-' is a combining form in words like `hematology'"
decker - (often used in combinations) something constructed with multiple levels; "they rode in a double-decker bus"
ply - (usually in combinations) one of several layers of cloth or paper or wood as in plywood
bound form, bound morpheme - a morpheme that occurs only as part of a larger construction; eg an -s at the end of plural nouns
pounder - (used only in combination) something weighing a given number of pounds; "the fisherman caught a 10-pounder"; "their linemen are all 300-pounders"
footer - (used only in combinations) the height or length of something in feet; "he is a six-footer"; "the golfer sank a 40-footer"; "his yacht is a 60-footer"
yarder - (used only in combinations) the height or length of something in yards; "the golfer hit a 300-yarder to the green"
miler - (used only in combinations) the length of something in miles; "the race was a 30-miler"
columned - having or resembling columns; having columns of a specified kind (often used as a combining form); "a columned portico"; "trees with columned trunks"; "white-columned houses"
bedded - having a bed or beds as specified
friendly - easy to understand or use; "user-friendly computers"; "a consumer-friendly policy"; "a reader-friendly novel"
unfriendly - not easy to understand or use; "user-unfriendly"
hipped - having hips; or having hips as specified (usually in combination); "broad-hipped"
mini - used of women's clothing; very short with hemline above the knee; "a mini dress"; "miniskirts"
midi - used of women's clothing having a hemline at mid-calf; "midiskirts"; "wore her dresses midi length"
maxi - used of women's clothing having a hemline at the ankle; "wanted a maxi-length coat"; "a maxidress"
roofed - covered with a roof; having a roof as specified (often used in combination); "roofed picnic areas"; "a slate-roofed house"; "palmleaf-roofed huts"
tipped - having a tip; or having a tip as specified (used in combination); "a rubber-tipped cane"
radio - indicating radiation or radioactivity; "radiochemistry"
volumed - (often used in combination) consisting of or having a given number or kind of volumes; "the poet's volumed works"; "a two-volumed history"; "multi-volumed encyclopedias"; "large-volumed editions"
full, fully, to the full - to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely; (`full' in this sense is used as a combining form); "fully grown"; "he didn't fully understand"; "knew full well"; "full-grown"; "full-fledged"
good, well - (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well'); "the children behaved well"; "a task well done"; "the party went well"; "he slept well"; "a well-argued thesis"; "a well-seasoned dish"; "a well-planned party"; "the baby can walk pretty good"
ill, poorly, badly - (`ill' is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well; "he was ill prepared"; "it ill befits a man to betray old friends"; "the car runs badly"; "he performed badly on the exam"; "the team played poorly"; "ill-fitting clothes"; "an ill-conceived plan"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

combining form

nAffix nt, → Wortbildungselement nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
Combining form and function, the treatment rooms feature Gharieni German-engineered hydraulic couches in white leather.
Both designs come in black-on-black with polarized lenses, effortlessly combining form and function to create our most fashionable hands-free camera," ( Snap said in a blog post.
Its design focuses on flexibility, and showcases how to enlarge condo spaces by combining form and function.
For instance, the new words read-o-holic [2013] (The Guardian) and pizza-holic [2015] (CNN) have been coined after the model of workaholic [1947], sugarholic [1955], foodaholic [1965], etc., all exhibiting the "final combining form" - (a)holic ([left arrow] alcoholic, Warren 1990; called "suffix" in the OED).
The perfect productivity companion for everyone, from students to boardroom executives, the Surface Laptop is the optimal blend of all the features that Microsoft customers have been asking - combining form and function, power and portability, security and performance.
It rede nesthe business hotel category, seamlessly combining form with function, high technology with unparalleled luxury and elegance with ef ciency.
COMBINING form and function, the new SKODA Superb Estate will be setting new standards in its segment from September.
The simple shape of the lyre, which resembles a fourth leg, is of equally serene elegance, combining form and function in a masterly fashion.
has built a regional reputation on creating projects that consider the needs of the client, combining form and function to create powerful solutions.
Combining form with functionality, the rustic finish of hand-sanding and painting gives the piece a pleasing simplicity as opposed to the overly ornate style of other replica French furniture.
Inside, there is a similar visual fluidity by combining form on the instrument panel (e.g., there is a strong horizontal line that bisects top from bottom) as well as spaciousness by having the instrument panel curve away from the driver and passenger at its left and right ends.