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Pakistan's major exports to Tajikistan include sugar, dairy products, medical and pharmaceutical products, construction material including cement, rice, handicrafts and meat while major imports include machinery and its parts, chemical material and products, dyeing, tanning and coloring material.
In a statement, the group asked vendors in the area to stop selling "Artex Fine Water Colors" after it found elevated amounts of lead in the coloring material.
Our study tables always have a mug of coloring materials. So, when long vocabulary or spelling lists or poems to memorize come up, there is always the option to draw them out first.
Prehistoric people made their own coloring materials. They would grind and pound charcoal or red clay and then mix it with a liquid, like cave water.
Choose the medium or coloring materials you are most comfortable in using.
Both sides discussed the decision related to the import of food coloring materials and other elements.
All coloring materials and styles will be accepted.