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An Irish dish of mashed potatoes mixed with cabbage or kale and often other vegetables, seasoned with butter.

[Irish Gaelic cál ceannan : cál, cabbage (from Old Irish, from Latin caulis) + ceannan, white-headed (ceann, head, from Old Irish cenn; see pendragon + fionn, white, from Old Irish find; see weid- in Indo-European roots).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(kəlˈkænən; ˈkɒlˌkænən)
(Cookery) a dish, originating in Ireland, of potatoes and cabbage or other greens boiled and mashed together
[C18: from Irish Gaelic cál ceannann, literally: white-headed cabbage]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(kəlˈkæn ən, ˈkɔl kæn-)

an Irish dish of boiled potatoes and cabbage or kale mashed together with milk or butter.
[1765–75; < Irish cál ceannann literally white-headed cabbage]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The steak and Guinness pie was more pie than steak, the colcannon mash had no cabbage through it - that's just mash, chef - and the mac and cheese was flavourless and rubbery.
INGREDIENTS: Serves 4-6 Colcannon for the top: 500g Maris Piper potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks; 150ml fat milk; 150g cold butter, diced; 200g savoy cabbage, thinly sliced; Salt and freshly ground black pepper.
COTTAGE PIE WITH IRISH STOUT AND COLCANNON TOPPING INGREDIENTS: Serves 4-6 Colcannon for the top: 500g Maris Piper potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks; 150ml full fat milk; 150g cold butter, diced; 200g savoy cabbage, thinly sliced; Salt and freshly ground black pepper.
At its outdoor Park Bar, guests can enjoy Irish lamb stew, corned beef, Irish beef sandwich and Irish cupcake, while the indoor lounge and bar Latitude 37 serves Irish dry stout Guinness-added Irish stew and "hanwoo" burger with green beer along with Irish mashed potato colcannon.
Creative side dishes include Cruciferous Colcannon, Pan-Fried Balsamic Brussels Sprouts, and Smoky Chipotle Creamed Kale.
VEGAN COLCANNON HARGE your glass with a pint of the black stuff and grab your shamrocks for St Patrick's Day.
| Recipe courtesy of Aldi VEGAN COLCANNON INGREDIENTS: For the mash: 5 medium potatoes peeled and chopped into small chunks; 1 tbsp vegan butter; 1 tsp sea salt; twist of black pepper; 1 tsp garlic powder; 3 tbsp almond milk; 1 tbsp nutritional yeast For the greens: 6 spring onions sliced; 1 tbsp olive oil; 1 tsp vegan butter; 2 handfuls cabbage leaves washed and cut into ribbons; 2 handfuls kale washed and sliced; twist of black pepper and 2 of sea salt METHOD 1.
Options currently on the menu include pan-seared lamb with Colcannon and honey glazed carrots, as well as pan-seared scallops and the dish, guinea fowl supreme.
From Wednesday, passengers will get pretzels with a welcome drink then a four-course main meal with a starter and a main such as chicken casserole with ale sauce, colcannon mash and seasonal vegetables, accompanied by a bread roll and bottle of water.
Once they are settled in, they will be served a four-course meal such as a starter of couscous salad, followed by a main course of chicken casserole with an ale sauce, colcannon mash and seasonal vegetables, or a vegetarian tomato, farfalle and vegetable dish.
He added: "What I decided to do with the menu was have an Irish side of what we would have had growing up, for example fish on a Friday with colcannon.
Cabbage Even people who don't like cabbage like colcannon! This delicious Irish dish makes a perfect side to roast meats...