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Related to co-educational: coeducationally


(kəuedjuˈkeiʃənl) abbreviation ( co-ed (ˈkoued) ) adjective
of the education of pupils or students of both sexes in the same school or college. a co-educational school.
ˈco-ed noun
a woman student at a college or at a co-educational school.
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"For Concord to be ranked in the top 10 co-educational schools and in the top 40 schools generally, is fantastic.
Primary schools should be co-educational to increase access for all children and narrow the gender gap.
New York, NY, March 14, 2019 --( Monsignor Scanlan High School, a leading Catholic, co-educational, college preparatory high school, announced today that it has garnered three basketball championships titles in the 2019 athletic season.
Muscat: Indian School Muscat (ISM), the largest co-educational institution in the Gulf with over 9,200 students, is raising its tuition fees from this year onward.
Founded in 1837, Blackburn College is a four-year, Presbyterian-related, co-educational liberal arts college located in Carlinville, Illinois.
Summary: The college is the largest full boarding co-educational boarding community in the UK
REFINED over 400 years in the heart of the naturally inspirational Wye Valley, the Monmouth Model educates girls and boys aged three to 18 through a unique combination of single-sex and co-educational environments at the optimum stages of their academic and personal development.
AS EXCLUSIVELY revealed by the Echo three weeks ago, Our Lady's Convent School, Loughborough, is changing its name and allowing boys into all years, making it fully co-educational.
Curriculum: British Fee Structure: From BD867 per terms for KG to BS2,242 for Year 13 Accepts: all nationalities, co-educational
Educators in the different international or local conferences have mentioned that having separate schools for girls and boys doesn't enhance their academic skills therefore the merits of having co-educational schools surpass the idea of having separate schools for boys and girls.
The school, a co-educational institution, is run by GEMS Global Network of schools owned and operated by the Kingdom Holding Co.