clown around

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.clown around - act as or like a clownclown around - act as or like a clown    
jest, joke - act in a funny or teasing way
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References in periodicals archive ?
We should not be hoodwinked by senatorial candidates who are popular because they take the stage to show off their singing and dancing skills, or clown around sharing bathroom jokes.
'Children who were bed-ridden start laughing and dancing when we wear funny hats and clown around with them.
BOXERS SHORT The British pals clown around in the spoof underwear advert on TV in the States.
CHILDREN are invited to clown around at a top Tyneside book emporium.
The next time you want to clown around, remember there's a little clown inside you waiting to pop out.
CHILDREN can clown around and get involved in crazy circus capers in this year's Summer Reading Challenge.
STRICTLY Come Dancing star Pamela Stephenson's clearly been swept off her feet by partner James Jordan as they clown around in Scotland.