cloud cover

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cloud cover

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: cover - the state of the sky when it is covered by cloudscloud cover - the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds
bad weather, inclemency, inclementness - weather unsuitable for outdoor activities
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Her eyes were red and swollen, nothing of their beauty remained, nothing looked out of them save her bitter and exceeding grief; it was as if a gray cloud covered the place through which the sun had shone.
When that cloud covers the moon I shall go to the terrace.
However, the mercury will be hitting impressive highs of 32 C for the rest of the week, so a bit of cloud cover won't ruin an incredible forecast.
The rain should ease up at around 4pm with temperatures remaining the same and it will give way to cloud cover and increased temperatures.
Additionally, residents can expect cloud cover to increase during the day.
In addition to the cloud cover data being somewhat limited in terms of weather predictions, automated weather stations also view clouds only from the surface to 12,000 feet, according to the NCEI, which means there could be more of a cloud cover than the data reflect.
When the sun is out d the pitch tends to be really slow, but when there is cloud cover there seems to be something extra.
Gautam noted that the study did not resolve whether the observed heating of the atmosphere due to the smoke would increase or decrease the net cloud cover. [Source: GeoSpace]
However, it is difficult for CALIOP to penetrate thicker cloud cover, resulting in inaccurate or missing information about cloud base heights and the presence of clouds below the thicker cloud layer.
Also the cloud cover impact on photovoltaic production in South Africa was investigated [8].
Summary: The National Centre of Metrology and Seismology (NCMS) said a heavy cloud cover is expected over the southern and eastern areas of the country.
An article published in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology confirmed an association between increased latitude and greater cloud cover as risk factors for pancreatic cancer.