clay road

clay road

(Civil Engineering) NZ an unsealed and unmetalled road in a rural area
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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After some time they left the clay road and rattled again over rough-paven streets.
Westway Plaza is situated on 9.85 acres at 11330 Clay Road at its intersection with the Sam Houston Tollway in Houston's West Belt Corridor.
8.22 (450m): Run River Run, Papa Genoa, Clontemple Diva, Pennys Chewie (M), Clay Road (M), Ballymac Harmony (M).
Back in the car again, it seemed like the school was all there was of Main Street until I looked down an unpaved red clay road to the left with another sign: "Canoe Cove Presbyterian Church." Down the lane and past a stand of white birch trees I saw the church and its adjoining cemetery.
Lampley's writing is often earthily funny, always vivid, sometimes a little strained ("The clay road is littered with broken white shells, scattered like chips of teeth crunched beneath the shabby tires of lorries....").
10.20 (450m): Knockroe Fellow, Burnfoot Nufnuf, Witton Peerless, Clay Road, Gortglas Brandy (M), Titanic Ferrari (W).
The sandy surface was turned into a clay road. Water tankers would do the rounds and spray water to make the surface strong and smooth.