

pl n
people belonging to a church
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
'These ruthless assassins have gone berserk, sparing no one, not even churchpeople. This state of impunity is now really wrecking havoc in our communities,' Bayan Muna Rep.
The name of the drama group is not mentioned: perhaps they were churchpeople. Certainly one of the leads was taken by the rector, the Rev A Gaskell, and his wife was the producer.
When Pierce returned from the conference, he invited 15 agencies to meet together and pursue collaborations, including the American Lung Association; Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chemung, Cortland, and Delaware Counties; Cortland County Community Action, Inc.; the Departments of Health in Broome, Cortland, and Madison Counties; the New York State Department of Health's Bureau of Community Relations; the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal; S2AY (for Schuyler, Steuben, Allegheny, and Yates Counties) Rural Health Network; and Steuben Churchpeople Against Poverty.
Human rights groups, policy analysts, churchpeople, investigative reporters and even U.S.
Intellectuals, writers, churchpeople, and the peace and environmental movements constituted the principal proponents for democratization in the GDR.
We are miners, gray-haired wives and wives with makeup and stylish hairdos, a writer, a priest, a lawyer in a business suit, a folk singer, Catholic and Episcopal churchpeople. We are surrounded immediately by police, warned, carried or led onto a bus from a medium-security prison.
Churchpeople Workers Solidarity (CWS) mourns and grieves with the families and relatives of the 38 BPO workers killed on Dec.
The obvious place for the churchpeople of those days to proclaim their faith in song was from the highest point in the village, Nab End Tower.
Michael Jones, editor of Fidelity Magazine, an ultraconservative who views churchpeople like D'Arcy and Jane Carew as too loose and liberal.
What was perhaps most hurtful of all, their society had little respect for churchpeople. The dirty fists of a construction worker were more highly esteemed than the lily-white hands of a bishop giving blessing.
The Alliance of Health Workers (AHW) will file the complaint in the Supreme Court tomorrow, according to the Churchpeople Workers Solidarity (CWS), which is supporting the move.
Both set out to counter what was viewed by clean-living residents, churchpeople and politicians local and national as the scourge of drink.