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(Biology) a type of cell that develops into a chondrocyte or cartilage cell
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Biopsy reveals sheets of chondroblast with background of chondroid matrix.
Failure of this process initiates chondroblast and osteoclast activity and subsequent graft tissue absorption [26].
Some authors suggested that FeLV may be related to the etiology of feline osteochondromas (POOL & CARRIG, 1972; DOIGE, 1987; ROSA & KIRBERGER, 2012), and viral particles have been observed in proliferated chondroblast membranes (POOL & CARRIG, 1972).
Ultrastructurally Cells show primitive features to mature features ranging from prelipoblast and chondroblast, to lipoblast and preadpoytes, to mature adipocyte.
Calastrini et al., "Effects of interleukin-1[beta] on chondroblast viability and extracellular matrix changes in bovine articular cartilage explants," Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, vol.
Imamura et al., "Roles of bone morphogenetic protein type I receptors and Smad proteins in osteoblast and chondroblast differentiation," Molecular Biology of the Cell, vol.
(13) Histologically, the basic proliferating cell is chondroblast, which has distinct oval nuclei with longitudinal groove.
IGF-I and IGF-II increases proliferation and differentiation of bone marrow progenitors to osteoblast and chondroblast (Singh et al., 2007d) and myogenic satellite cells to adipoblast (Singh et al., 2007c) in vitro.
In chondrosarcoma, the smears were cellular and contain chondroblast, chondroid matrix forming amorphus background in the smear.