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1. Characterized by chirping tones: a bird with a chirpy song.
2. Tending to chirp: a chirpy parakeet.
3. Cheerful and good-humored: a chirpy radio announcer.

chirp′i·ly adv.
chirp′i·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.chirpiness - cheerful and lively
brio, invigoration, spiritedness, vivification, animation - quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Her chirpiness attracted me to her and I gushed about my grandma.
Tzu-Chao Chou brought a cheeky chirpiness to the role of Bird, Samara Downs was suitably feline and slinky as Cat and Alys Shee had a fine cameo as the ill-fated Duck, who falls foul of the Wolf (Mathias Dingman).
There is a little chirpiness and a whole lot of heart on display here, which draws you in all the characters.
On paper, each actor seems well cast: Kendrick's chirpiness and wry sense of humor suit her character.
And, for all that chirpiness, he has, in the past, battled depression and anxiety, which began aged just 10 after his mum, Figen, became seriously ill with septicaemia.
Old- school tunes playing in the background added to the drama, and the school- girl chirpiness left the audience in a happy mood.
But you go into the bookies with PS10,000 in your pocket and lose every penny, so for me, that's the worst of the drugs.' "It was moving, getting this burst of heartfelt sincerity from a man whose default setting was gag-aminute chirpiness. I asked him when he had finally managed to kick his own corrosive gamblng habit?
Quote: "I don't really do chirpiness. I can't bear the sight of myself in the morning.
I instantly like him, his chirpiness and risque humour ever present, that 'Eek, awkward moment' expression so often directed to camera on his eponymous chat show now pointed at me when relaying any one of his string of hilarious anecdotes.
-ures, who started their career and friendship 25 years ago on the set of Just how were the Geordie treasures, who started their career and friendship 25 years ago on the set of Byker Grove, going to keep the relentless entertainment - and their signature chirpiness - going for a threehour live show, night after night on tour?