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tr.v. cher·ished, cher·ish·ing, cher·ish·es
1. To treat with affection and tenderness; hold dear: cherish one's family; fine rugs that are cherished by their owners.
2. To keep fondly in mind; treasure: cherish a memory. See Synonyms at appreciate.

[Middle English cherishen, from Old French cherir, cheriss-, from cher, dear, from Latin cārus; see kā- in Indo-European roots.]

cher′ish·a·ble n.
cher′ish·er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Moreover, as we were saying before, he grows worse from having power: he becomes and is of necessity more jealous, more faithless, more unjust, more friendless, more impious, than he was at first; he is the purveyor and cherisher of every sort of vice, and the consequence is that he is supremely miserable, and that he makes everybody else as miserable as himself.
It is a stress reliever, therapeutic, a 'moment cherisher' for the parents.
Let us pray collectively before God, the Cherisher of the universe to descend peace to the Earth which is persistently being shattered by forces of evil.
(Or read!) In the name of Thy Lord and Cherisher, who created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed Blood - Proclaim!
So lose not heart, nor fall into despair, for ye must gain mastery, if ye he true in faith,' that is in the belief that all alone is the Lord and Cherisher of humanity.
Sheikh Al Busaidi added that the true Islam, through its provisions of the Sharia, and all its moral and ethical values, aims at building a cohesive nation in its structure, beliefs, perceptions, worship, customs, morals, ideals, principles, purpose, hopes and pain, all are seen in the acts of devotion as commanded by Allah the Almighty He affirmed that the unity of the Islamic nation and its interdependence, based on the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice as the Holy Quran states "Verily, this brotherhood of yours is a single brotherhood, and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore, serve Me (and no other)".
The family of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) sacrificed every worldly relation for the pleasure of their Cherisher and preferred the will of Allah Almighty on every occasion, he said, adding its peak point was the sacrificial of son.
The letting go of one's ego and transformation of the self leads to a higher plane - where, for the believer at least, their world view is shaped not by selfish greed and human desires but by the higher values of God - the Creator, the Cherisher, the Good and Pure.
The first revelation called upon the Prophet (SAW) and humanity was to pursue education and acquire knowledge in accordance with the Divine guidance of Allah (SWT): "Read and understand in the Name of the Lord and Cherisher".1 The Qur'an says, "Allah (SWT) will raise up to honourable ranks (and degrees) those of you who believe and who have been granted knowledge.2 Adam (RAA) was raised to the highest rank among beings because of knowledge.
is the wretchedest form of government," and "a tyrant grows worse from having power: he becomes and is of necessity more jealous, more faithless, more unjust, more friendless, more impious, than he was at first; he is the purveyor and cherisher of every sort of vice.
God has commanded the believers to declare: "Truly, my prayer, my service of sacrifice, my life, and my death, are (all) for Allah (God), the Cherisher of the Worlds." (Qur'an, 6:162) This means that a Muslim is a person who has submitted his or her whole self and whole life to God, so that the first duty of a Muslim is to lead a life of obedience to God alone.
"Say: "Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds" (Abdullah, 2009).