References in classic literature ?
Like all others who were in quest of a better telegraph instrument, Gray had glimmerings of the possibility of sending speech by wire, and by one of the strangest of coincidences he filed a caveat on the subject on the SAME DAY that Bell filed the application for a patent.
There was a vast difference between Gray's caveat and Bell's application.
Even Gray himself, as he admitted in court, failed when he tried to make a telephone on the lines laid down in his caveat. The final word on the whole matter was recently spoken by George C.
'Well,' said the cobbler, 'when I was going to take out a probate of the will, the nieces and nevys, who was desperately disappointed at not getting all the money, enters a caveat against it.'
'But,' continued the cobbler, 'finding that they couldn't agree among themselves, and consequently couldn't get up a case against the will, they withdrew the caveat, and I paid all the legacies.
Corrupt dealingsIn Murang'a, the DCI suffered a blow after a court directed it to remove a caveat placed against the development of an 11-acre piece of land, registered as L.R Nginda/Samar/ Block1/ 2871 and Nginda/Samar/ Block350.Three individuals Mukuria James, Lucy Wanjeri and George Kang'ata had sued the DCI for failing to conclude investigations on suspected corrupt dealings in the purchase of the property.
In the caveat, the witness has demanded that if Sajjan Kumar challenges the life imprisonment awarded by Delhi High Court, then the Supreme Court should also hear the victims before taking a final decision.
The master's caveat sighted by Malay Mail accused Asiah of defaming him and his firm on Facebook by wrongly portraying him as a 'racist and narrow-minded Muslim', among other allegations.
If such a unit for which no title deed is issued is to be mortgaged, the customer's lender will register its interest (as mortgagor) by filing a caveat form and paying the applicable fees to the Registrar.
OTC Markets Group identifies securities with a caveat emptor symbol to inform investors that there may be reason to exercise additional care and perform thorough due diligence in making investment decisions for a particular security.
Sounds like a good argument, but not good enough for Caveat Viator, director Jamie Wyatt telling me that Emma can whistle for her money.