cat hole

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cat hole

1. (Nautical Terms) one of a pair of holes in the after part of a ship through which hawsers are passed for steadying the ship or heaving astern
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References in periodicals archive ?
That done we ventured, like Alice in Wonderland, deeper down the rabbit hole -- or in this case, the cat hole -- descending to the basement.
We learn about a campus area known as the Cat Hole; another anecdote is titled "Buried Treasure."
Where the incoming red photons blocked by the cardboard would have been in the crystal, the newly created yellow photons appear, having unwittingly been created with information about the size of the cat hole. It's at this moment that information jumps from the red beam to some of the newly created yellow photons.
A cat hole, I was told, is a tiny hole dug in the ground cool hikers use as a toilet.