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Patterns: Black Buzzer, small spider patterns, Cat's Whisker, Dawson's Olive.
Sharpley: various lures, Snakes, Zonkers, Fluff Cat's Whisker, Amber Worm.
The cat's whisker did the trick for Cardiff anglers Roger Martin and Dave Howells as they retained one fish and returned seven and for New Inn angler Paul Elsworthy with a matching catch; but it was a Diawl Bach pattern that tempted the seven hooked by Bonvilston fly fisherman Ted Lyons.
Hergill produced browns and rainbows to 5lb with Bloodworm, Cat's Whisker and Hare's Ear top flies.
Patterns: White Muddler, Cat's Whisker and Dawson's Olive.
Fontburn: Dawson's Olive, Cat's Whisker, Black Fritz Kielder: Clan Chief, Orange Blob Knitsley: Bloodworm, Cat's Whisker, Black and Green Buzzers.
Cwm Hedd Fishery 01633 896854 GARETH Williams took one fish for the table and then hooked and returned another 10 with all falling to a cat's whisker lure.
Anglers are averaging around 3.5 trout per visit at present with Cat's Whisker, Bloodworm, Buzzers, and small dries all doing well.
Patterns: Black Fritz, Dawson's Olive, Cat's Whisker. 500 stocked.
South Linden: Black Buzzers, Black Cat's Whisker, White Cat's Whisker, Cruncher, Montana, Black Bloodworm
Tri Nant Fishery 01443 228316 The cat's whisker lure has taken most of the trout.
Metal Bridge angler, Phil Lennox, landed a 4lb 4oz on a coral cat's whisker tied by his son, while Colin Stoddart, of Consett, took a 3lb 14oz on a Dawson's Olive.