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(Pathology) (of a substance) producing caries, esp in the teeth
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In severe cases of cariogenic shock with progressive organ dysfunction, the initiation of intraaortic balloon pumping (IABP) and/or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO) can be considered.
Currently, chlorhexidine gluconate (by its proven efficacy in chemical removal of cariogenic or periodontal-pathogenic biofilms), stands out among the antimicrobials used to fight oral microorganisms (Venancio et al., 2015).
Cariogenic intake before bedtime was significantly associated with overall caries risk (p=0.02).
Hence, diets high in simple sugars are cariogenic because they provide ample food for bacteria (Burt and Ismail 1986; Cucina et al.
One hundred seventy-nine adults (aged 30-45 years) who were considered at high risk of dental caries because of the presence of one to three caries and a high salivary concentration of Streptococcus mutans (the main cariogenic microorganism) were randomly assigned, in double-blind fashion, to chew xylitol chewing gum or a sugar-free placebo gum for 12 months.
According to the literature available to the authors, there is no study comparing removal of cariogenic bacteria and carious dentin by measuring the temperature changes during caries ablation with different pulses of VSPt-based Er:YAG compared to FFC Er:YAG laser.
The major cariogenic bacteria associated with dental plaque biofilm are streptococci group, lactobacillus and some actinomyces species [4,5].
report that Medicaid-enrolled preschool children with a dental home had lower prevalence of caries, but the authors also found reduced cariogenic feeding practices in the dental home group.