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a rare intrusive or extrusive igneous rock, mostly found in Africa, that contains a high proportion of carbonate minerals
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Samples with elevated niobium and rare earth values lie next to the Kennecott 1955 trench sites where carbonatite hosted cerium, lanthanum, niobium, neodymium, praseodymium and Yttrium values occur over a strike length of 700 meters.
Other types of minerals targeted for development are dolomite (20 blocks), marble (13), limestone (12), silica (8), laterite (8), feldspar (5), carbonatite (4), gypsum (3), kaolin (2), attapulgite (2), potter's clay (2), and basalt (1).
Tuffaceous debris and tuffite are widely distributed in sandstone, mudstone and carbonatite lithologies.
Nyerereite is derived from carbonatite volcanic lava that is associated with the potassium bearing gregoryite and reacts further to form other by-products such as calcite.
Naoki Matsumura, Chairman of Hermes-Sojitz's Board of Directors: "More than half of the world's magmatic carbonatite deposits are located across Africa.
Ol Doinyo Lengai, the 7,650-foot-tall peak is the ( only active volcano on the Earth that erupts with a carbonatite, a type of igneous rock rich in carbonates such as calcite and dolomite.
Duraiswami and Shaikh [16] employed the SEM in the analysis of fluid-rock interaction in carbonatite. The results showed that exotic minerals in the siderite carbonatite did not crystallise from carbonate magma.
Bedini E (2009) Mapping lithology of the Sarfartoq carbonatite complex, southern West Greenland, using HyMap imaging spectrometer data.