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a cholinergic agent, C6H15ClN2O2, used for various ophthalmic purposes, such as the treating of glaucoma
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Methacholine, carbachol, bethanechol and oxotremorine are the most known synthetic muscarinic agonists.
Extracellular acidosis selectively inhibits pharmacomechanical coupling induced by carbachol in strips of rat gastric fundus.
The research team combined human airway smooth muscle cells with histamine, a chemical the immune system makes in response to an allergen, and carbachol, a drug that stimulates the part of the nervous system that controls the airways.
On activation, the phosphorylated ERK enzyme migrates into the nucleus, where they activate various transcription factors, control the expression of target genes, and then regulate cell proliferation, apoptosis, and migration.[20] Barathi et al .[21] found that the activated ERK/MAPK pathway was involved in the promotive effect of carbachol on the proliferation of mouse scleral fibroblast cells.
The effect of Iso could be reversed by 30 [micro]M carbachol (CCh) (Figure 1(a)).
Muscle strips were pretreated with 1 [micro]M carbachol for 5 min at 37[degrees]C in oxygenated KRB, and three 1 min washes with KRB, to remove any residual curariform neuromuscular paralytics [29].
Miosis was achieved using intracameral carbachol, and a viscoelastic agent was injected into the anterior chamber.
Cholelithiatic human gallbladders in vitro fail to respond to cholecystokinin but are responsive to carbachol, histamine, or electrical stimulation.
Ogino, Comparison of Contractions Produced by Carbachol, Thapsigargin and Cyclopiazonic Acid in the Guinea-Pig Tracheal Muscle, J.