

relating to a carapace
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Carapacial bones: three costals (ROM-42025, 42028 and 42029) and three peripheral bones (ROM-42026, 42030, and 2024).
Once a turtle was captured, we measured morphological variables and affixed radio transmitters (model R1850 [12 g] or model R1680 [3.6 grams], Advanced Telemetry Systems) to a single carapacial scute using 5-min epoxy.
Any individual larger than the minimum observed size of adult males but not exhibiting the cloaca distal to the carapacial rim was categorized as female, with females divided between mature and immature size classes based on the minimum sizes of females determined via palpation of eggs to be gravid (135 mm PL in G.
We used the terminology and measurements suggested previously for cranial, postcranial, and carapacial elements (Gillette and Ray, 1981).
To clarify the morphological specifications of turtle embryogenesis in late development, especially the formation of the carapacial ridge (CR), researchers investigated into CR-specific miRNA expression, found existence of tissue-specific miRNAs and involvement of Wnt signaling.
That critical fold in the tissue maps out a line that becomes an important embryological feature of turtle embryos called the carapacial ridge.
Descriptive terms and abbreviations are as follows: carapacial carinae (Stahnke 1970): Am, anterior median; Cm, central median; Pm, posterior median; CL, central lateral.
caglei that were observed during the study were distinctive, with brightly colored, wide yellowish carapacial markings.
UNSM 117938 from the Late Barstovian (ca 13-11.5 million EP) of UNSM Locality Cr 168, Cherry County, Nebraska, represents a single individual and consists of a mainly complete plastron, plus carapacial remnants, and limb and limb girdle elements (Holman 2002, figs.
Carapacial color and granulation vary widely, and the outer frontal teeth of many specimens cannot be classified as a definitive triangular (C.