canned goods

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Related to canned goods: flashlight
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Canned goods - food preserved by canningcanned goods - food preserved by canning    
food product, foodstuff - a substance that can be used or prepared for use as food
canned meat, tinned meat - meat preserved in a can or tin
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References in classic literature ?
Canned goods were turned out that made men laugh, for canned goods on the Long Trail is a thing to dream about.
Those in the cabin broke into the food lockers, and those above scrambled down and joined them in a feast on our crackers and canned goods.
I selected mainly from the canned goods, and by the time I was ready, willing hands were extended from above to receive what I passed up.
The reluctance of the grocery trade to carry more canned goods has made us more conservative in our product introductions." S&W sells peaches, pears and fruit cocktail packed in lightly sweetened fruit juices.
Using a points system, residents here may exchange their recyclable wastes for canned goods or school supplies through a barter scheme called Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM), which was implemented starting March 22 by Ligao City Mayor Patricia Gonzalez-Alsua.
The reports stating that some canned goods from Thailand are contaminated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are nothing but fake news, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Friday assured.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cautioned the public not to share unverified text messages claiming that canned goods from Thailand had been contaminated by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
"Yung kaso niya na ano, 'yung sabihin niya na spent for millions sa...Ako wala 'yan sa akin basta ang kwarta nakaabot sa canned goods, mga sanina.
With sacks of dog food that they mixed with canned goods, the groups fed the abandoned pets, particularly dogs in Guinobatan's villages of Muladbucad Pequeno, Muladbucad Grande, Masarawag and Dona Tomasa.