call the shots

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: the shots - exercise authority or be in charge; "Who is calling the shots in this house?"
control, command - exercise authoritative control or power over; "control the budget"; "Command the military forces"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Joshua said: "There's been a lot of talking but he doesn't get to call the shots - it's a team effort.
It has yet to be confirmed if Luke Walton will stay on to call the shots. But should he be fired, a veteran NBA mentor across town could take over.
In many of these cases, the only reason why we are in the situation of having to rely on people without any track record is that they call the shots.
Although interim coach Melvin Reyes will still call the shots, Silva will be assisting as part of the transition.
Nigeria, as always, call the shots in the region -- and oil prices call the shots on Nigeria.
It's possible his parents continue to call the shots in Qatar," UAE ambassador to the US Yousuf Al Otaiba, was quoted on Tuesday as saying in an interview with the American magazine The Atlantic .
Ginebra head coach Tim Cone will call the shots for the Visayas All-Stars on Sunday in Lapu-Lapu City in Cebu.
What is the likelihood he would be allowed to scupper a deal that is expected to help tackle the biggest refugee crisis facing Europe since World War II and is supported by the overwhelming majority of the member-states, including those that call the shots? Is there nobody pragmatic in the government to realise that our grandstanding would not be allowed to threaten the agreement and any objection voiced by Anastasiades would be unceremoniously swept aside by our partners?
The five-piece are inviting fans to Call the Shots as the official ambassadors of The FA Women's Super League.
You call the shots. You make the most of your chances.'
One problem is that the one with most money in a family, often wants to call the shots, be the boss.