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v. cal·cu·lat·ed, cal·cu·lat·ing, cal·cu·lates
1. To ascertain by computation; reckon: calculating the area of a circle; calculated their probable time of arrival.
2. To make an estimate of; evaluate: calculating the team's chances of winning.
3. To make for a deliberate purpose; design: a sturdy car that is calculated to last for years; a choice that was calculated to please.
4. also cal'late (kăl′āt′, -lāt′) Chiefly New England
a. To suppose: "I cal'late she's a right smart cook" (Dialect Notes).
b. To plan, intend, or depend on.
1. To perform a mathematical process; figure: We must measure and calculate to determine how much paint will be needed.
2. Chiefly New England
a. To suppose; guess.
b. To count, depend, or rely on someone or something: We're calculating on your help.

[Late Latin calculāre, calculāt-, from Latin calculus, small stone used in reckoning, diminutive of calx, calc-, small stone for gaming; see calx.]

cal′cu·la′tive (-lā′tĭv, -lə-tĭv) adj.
Synonyms: calculate, compute, reckon, figure
These verbs refer to the use of mathematical methods to determine a result. Calculate, the most comprehensive, often implies a relatively high level of abstraction or procedural complexity: calculated the average test score for each class; calculated the comet's orbit from a series of observed positions. Compute applies to possibly lengthy arithmetic operations; like calculate, it may imply the use of a mechanical or electronic device: data used in computing the gross national product; computed a value for each of the variables. Reckon and figure suggest the use of simple arithmetic: reckoned the number of hours before her departure; trying to figure my share of the bill.


a. The act, process, or result of calculating.
b. An estimate based on probabilities.
2. Careful, often cunning estimation and planning of likely outcomes, especially to advance one's own interests.

cal′cu·la′tive adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.calculative - used of personscalculative - used of persons; "the most calculating and selfish men in the community"
hard - dispassionate; "took a hard look"; "a hard bargainer";
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
It's also practical, intuitive, harsh, calculative, wild in parts and gentle too.
It has no place for the lousy, slow thinkers and calculative types.
Fracture characteristics [[sigma].sub.[infinity]], [[sigma].sub.1,c], [l.sub.c] and [K.sub.IC] were obtained during the experiment and calculative area [r.sub.[alpha]] are shown in Table 2.
In pre-capitalist societies, he said, individuals made decisions based on normative or substantive rationality that limited the influence of calculative rationality.
However, quite despite Kuhn, we think that failures in obtaining adequate knowledge about the post-Soviet social reality and the moments of its history never stem merely from the crisis of the current scientific paradigm of the Western calculative sociology and positivistic history and never testify to this crisis.
Both argue that goodness exists independently of calculative reason--for Nietzsche, goodness arises in a creative act moving beyond reaction and ressentiment; Levinas argues that goodness occurs in a spontaneous response to another person.
Three factors were extracted accounting for 58 % of total variance and these factors were labelled as (1) Identification with Involvement, (2) Calculative Commitment and (3) Loyalty.
The essence of technology for Heidegger is calculative thinking--the use of objects to achieve some purpose--while the essence of poetry and art is meditative thinking--reflecting on the beauty inherent in how things are.
The world-picture naturalized by the Western metaphysical tradition and its teletechnescientific culture encourages us to understand space and time as purely formal concepts, as framing the moment, the here-now; but also, and most egregiously in the empiricist tradition, as empty, neutral, homogeneous, and uniform--and, moreover, as proper objects for modern-scientific, calculative enquiry.
Calculative cultures, which in these cases shaped managerial predilections towards ERM practices, are relevant, albeit so far neglected, constituents of the fit between MCS and organizational contexts.
In the rest of this article, I explore two important elements linking neoliberalism to digital games: 1) the progressive expansion of free markets characterized by choice; and 2) an accompanying market-based calculative rationality grounded in risk-management.