

A report, especially one concerning the policy or proceedings of a parliamentary group.

[French, notebook, from Old French quaier, from Vulgar Latin *quaternum, from Latin quaternī, group of four, from quater, four times; see kwetwer- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a notebook
2. a written or printed report, esp of the proceedings of a meeting
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(kæˈyeɪ, kɑ-)

n., pl. -hiers (-ˈyeɪz)
a report of the proceedings of a parliamentary body.
[1835–45; < French, notebook < Middle French quaer gathering (of sheets of a book)]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
"Donnez-moi votre cahier," said I to Eulalie in an abrupt tone; and bending over, I took it before she had time to give it.
A cet egard, le Secretaire General de la federation a rappele les grandes lignes du cahier revendicatif presente au ministere lors de la reunion tenue le jeudi 26 Avril 2018 ainsi que la note de presentation sur [beaucoup moins que]les specificite secteur de la sante [beaucoup plus grand que] exposee devant le 2 e colloque national de la sante tenu en Juillet 2013 et a appele a un mecanisme pour l'adoption par ses recommandations en vue de repondre aux attentes des travailleurs du secteur.
Agnes Castiglione & Dominique Viart Cahier Michon
Une seule nouveautUu[c] a Uu[c]tUu[c] introduite dans le cahier des charges de la omra 2018 qui nae1/4aoa pratiquement pas changUu[c] depuis sept ans.
Le premier projet de decret (2-13-562) a pour objectif la modification du Cahier des charges de la societe Gulfsat Maghreb, approuve par le decret N 2-00-809 du 6 Kiada 1421 (31 Janvier 2001) portant attribution de la licence d'etablissement et d'exploitation d'un reseau public de telecommunications par satellites de type VSAT, indique un communique lu par le ministre de la Communication, porte-parole du gouvernement, Mustapha El Khalfi, lors d'un point presse a l'issue du conseil.
Le tueur presume du Colorado James Holmes avait envoye un colis d'alerte a un psychiatre de son ancienne Universite, contenant un cahier et des dessins presentant ses projets de tuerie, selon plusieurs medias americains.
In a paper I delivered not long after the appearance of the first iteration of Abiola Irele's critical edition of Aime Cesaire's Cahier d'un retour au pays natal (Ibadan, Nigeria: New Horn Press, 1994), I noted that, for better or for worse, the paratexts surrounding recent editions of Cesaire's poem had grown to such proportions that they now dwarfed the text itself.
[24] The district cahier from Barbezieux also recognized serious social repercussions resulting from the excessive degrees of justice "considering that the multiplication of the different jurisdictions is an obstacle preventing the poor from obtaining justice." [25] In a cahier that implicitly indicted seigneurial justice for its inaccessibility to the poor and explicitly cast a dark shadow over its integrity, the inhabitants of Mauze alleged that "it [seigneuri al justice] is the scourge of the countryside and sells too dearly the favors of its protection." [26] Seigneurial justice, in this case, stood as another pillar supporting the French social order against which peasants could not or dared not struggle.
It seemed to me that circumstantial evidence argued in favour of the 1695 date for Charpentier' s Serenade pour le Sicilien until Patricia Ranum proved to me that cahier XXIII (which contains Charpentier's autograph score) was indeed copied out in 1679.