
Related to bumble-bee: Bombus


(ˈbamblbiː) noun
a kind of large bee with a hairy body.
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References in classic literature ?
"Bow-wow!" said Toto, and ran away at a mad gallop to chase a bumble-bee.
With no little astonishment, Benassis beheld Genestas pacing to and fro in the salon, like a bumble-bee in quest of an exit from the room which he has incautiously entered.
It might have been at a trespassing bumble-bee however.
The clover crop depends on there being plenty of bumble-bees, because they are the only insects with tongues long enough to--to--fer-- fertilize--I think he called it the blossoms.
Then others of the boys spread over the downs, looking for the holes of humble-bees and mice, which they dug up without mercy, often (I regret to say) killing and skinning the unlucky mice, and (I do not regret to say) getting well stung by the bumble-bees. Others went after butterflies and birds' eggs in their seasons; and Tom found on Hazeldown, for the first time, the beautiful little blue butterfly with golden spots on his wings, which he had never seen on his own downs, and dug out his first sand-martin's nest.
Offenders forced entry to a paddock overnight on May 9 and removed a bumble-bee spring seesaw and a donkey, valued at pounds 2,500.
In late February and March you will probably see the most unmistakable species of all - the red-tailed bumble-bee. It is a large bee, with a jet-black body and, as its name suggests, a red tail.
"There were 18 different bumble-bee species in Durham but we believe we are down to just six certain ones in people's gardens."
THE catwalk was buzzing as Milan Fashion Week got into full swing with this bumble-bee swimming costume.
Ecologists are celebrating after spotting two rare species of bumble-bee in Warwickshire for the first time in more than 70 years.
Scientists studying bumble-bees have shown that sex with multiple partners helps strengthen a species against parasites and disease.
Staff at Castle and Minster Credit Union, at Upperhead Row, dressed as giant bumble-bees on Thursday to promote their Honey Money Savers account.